First of all I'd like to thank to everyone who sent me a email asking about the state of the cars....
As I told in a previous post, this time was the first time using the 2K clear coat and I had a really bad experience.......
Since the 2K asks to be careful with percentages, I used clinical syringes to mix them. But I didn't consider that the plungers of the syringes are built of silicone.... So the silicone reacted with 2K and when I started airbrushing, began appearing "craters" on the surface! (you can see it on the three first pictures)
I really thought that I destroyed all my previous work on the two lotus!
Then I sanded all the parts with 1000 grade sandpaper -trying to don't reach the decals surface- and I mixed the 2K components using plastic pipettes and airbrushed a wet coat. The result was quite acceptable but when I sanded the parts (1000 to 4000 plus compound) the "craters" were visible again.
So, I decided to sand all parts again with 1000 and airbrush a new wet coat of 2K. This time I won't sand it so it will stay as it is now.
I learned two very important things of using 2K. First of all is testing it before in any piece of plastic.... and beware of silicone products to mix the components!
The parts are now clear coated and will following the work on assembling the parts!
I promise it will be faster as this time!
I have had issues with 2K the first time i used it as well. I had Fisheye and was not aware of it so i kept spraying more and more to cover it ended up shiny but thick....Nice recovery and look forward to seeing it all together.
thank for your nice words!
As I said in my post, the BIG problem was to don't test the 2K before.....
It's a great product and it gives a shine (even without polish) that it's very difficult to achieve with TS-13, but it can be a nightmare if something goes wrong...
And yes, the big problem to airbrush more and more layers is that the clear is too thick...
Hope to finish both lotus soon!
best regards!
Hola Josep, felicidades por esos dos Lotus (Martini y Rebaque,)yo acabo de iniciar el Lotus 79 de Tamiya y mi pregunta es: ¿te costó mucho trabajo colocar las calcas amarillas del pinstriping? Vivo en México pero nacía en Zaragoza, te escribo en español porque supongo que, por el nombre, eres catalán.
José Antonio Solbes
hola Jose Antonio,
antes que nada darte las gracias por las felicitaciones. He seguido alguno de tus trabajos y artículos en modelersite, con lo que es un honor recibir felicitaciones de un modelista como tú.
No es difícil colocar las calcas del lotus. En el caso del martini recuerdo que recorté las lineas amarillas (ya que venían junto con los logos) y las coloqué separadas de éstos con lo que me fue más fácil su alineación.
Sólo tienes que vigilar un poco a la hora de sacarlas del agua ya que tienden a "retorcerse", pero con un poco de paciencia se colocan muy fácilmente.
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