The decalling job has finished and the sliding skirts are glued in their place. I built the anti-roll bar and glued the front wing. The rear wing is also close to be finished. Next step will be clearcoating with TS-13.
Some little wiring job is done and I also glued the kill-switch.
I airbrushed the windshield with clear blue, and painted the interior of the cowling with white, and also started the decalling job.
Fujimi made a big mistake on the tyre decals. As you can see it says "michlin" instead of "michelin". I tried to send them a mail but I had no response. I also didn't like how looked the decals on the tyres.
I took the tyre letters template from the Renault R30b studio27's p.e. set and airbrushed the logos. I know that's not very accurate to the real car, but I'm more satisfied with this result than applying the wrong decals.
I also painted the right and left marks and airbrushed a light coat of matt black over the tyres. Finally I glued the cowling to the body. Tonight I will work on the rear wing and also on the sliding skirts.